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Grant amount:


North East, Maryland

NorthBay conducts  a program of  student testing the water of the Chesapeake Bay and will expand this with research questions developed by students and will include water quality data from past years' students at NorthBay. The grant will fund water quality testing kits, using about 12-18 tablets per class, with an average of 6-18 separate Water Quality classes a week. This budget will not only afford our water quality materials for a full year, but will also allow us to dedicate a staff person, Annie Egelkraut, to sharing our data on the GLOBE website, as a culmination of all of our class' data.

Data Sharing: As a part of the proposal, our educator, Annie Egelkraut will become a certified GLOBE educator, and will be inputting our Water Quality Dissolved Oxygen values, ph values, Phosphate values, Nitrate values, and water temperature every week. NorthBay Education leads its lessons with Inquiry-based investigations into issues in the environment. Students then design a research question and data collection method for the lesson, and perform the experiment. NorthBay teaches with a IEEIA curriculum core and with BEETLES pedagogy, leading with questions.

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Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to the understanding of our environment through recognition and financial reward programs.

Grants range from equipment and supplies for taking environmental measurements to recognition and support for students presenting their research projects and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching. 



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