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The Salish Sea School

Anacortes, Washington

Grant amount:


Students will investigate the local marine environment, taking observations and analyzing data to reach conclusions on their questions. Each student team will be mentored by a local research scientist and receive coaching on each step of the scientific method. Each student group will investigate one of six topics - stormwater, marine debris, forage fish, harbor porpoise, marine birds, and orcas. Final research reports will be presented in a local student research symposium and presented to family and local community members. The grant will fund binoculars and dissecting scopes.

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Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to the understanding of our environment through recognition and financial reward programs.

Grants range from equipment and supplies for taking environmental measurements to recognition and support for students presenting their research projects and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching. 



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